Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day Six: Project Presentations & Reflection

Lesson 1.6 Comparative Storytelling in Alternate Realities (Part 6): Project Presentations & Reflection
Created by John Kotnarowski (Spring 2014)

Objectives: Students will be able to…

  • Give a short presentation on their final project for the unit
  • Give constructive feedback on their classmates' projects
  • Demonstrate understanding of the principles of self-reflection in an academic setting by answering comprehension questions and producing an effective reflective essay or audio recording

Final Reflection Video (and transcript, if needed)
Final Reflection Video Comprehension Questions

Students will come to class having prepared a short presentation on their final projects. They will also be submitting their final "comparative genre analysis" charts.

Teaching Instruction [60 mins]
I. Review Expectations & Due Date(s) for the Final Project

II. Project Presentations [40-50 mins]
Each student will give a short presentation (2-3 mins) and field questions from classmates about their final projects. The projects do not have to be finished, but the presenter should be able to give a complete overview. After the presentation, the audience will email constructive feedback to the presenter.

III. Reflection Activity [Remaining Time]
If there is time, the instructor can show the Final Reflection video in class. If there isn't time, it should be assigned as homework. Either way, be sure to assign the comprehension questions as homework.

Then provide the students with the final reflection prompt.

IV. Homework
Instructor sets due dates for the Final Reflection and comprehension check questions as well as the final projects. 

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